Friday, September 5, 2008

BPT when it started...

Okay now non BPT people might not find it funny but here is what happened once while I and Swati [The co-authoress of this blog who supposedly has no idea about how to post in blogs] were sitting outside the NIFT canteen. It so happens often that we ignore the information that is being given to us and choose to construct our own. So this stylishly dressed very girlish classmate of ours came towards us.

Girl: (points towards the canteen) Is the breakfast still there??
Swaa : Idli
Me: hahahahaha
(girl leaves for canteen)
Swaa: Kya be? Why haha?
Me: Dumbo.. did u listen to what she asked?
Swaa: errr.... no .. why??
[I iterate the conversation again, exactly as it happened]
Both: Hahahahahaha


I need Help said...

what is this hahaha all about.. koi mujhe samjhaayegaa

Richa said...

ye samajhne ki baat nahi hai.. Bas hasne ki aur BPT hone ki hai.. BPT ka samajhdaari se duur duur tak koi naata nahi hai.

desertrose.swati said...

yo!! jo yeh samajh gaya woh BPT ki duniya mein tarakki karega! high five yachiru/butterfly/little lamb .....baa baa baa..LOL

Richa said...

thank you/ arigato/ baa baa, dearie/swaa/my non-blogging co-authoress/wo ladki..

hi five!!